Ep. 126: Titanic in Cinema or ‘Nearer My Pod To Thee’

Zach welcomes back podcaster Zack Beins (Talkin Troma) for a gigantic discussion surrounding the early cinematic legacy surrounding the ill fated White Star Line Ship … the R.M.S. TITANIC.

Journey with the duo as they unpack Zack Beins’ life long fascination with the subject of Titanic, become marveled by the long cinematic lineage of the disaster on celluloid, explore with shock and bafflement at the many odd ways the subject has been approached on film, find themselves surprised by how some films have grown better with time (and how some have definitely not), and finally ponder the ways Titanic’s cinematic legacy has lasted and shaped the films we see today (especially ones made by a Terminator director).

Films Discussed:

La hantise (1912)
In Nacht und Eis (1912)
Atlantic (1929)
Titanic (1943)
Titanic (1953)
A Night to Remember (1958)

Be sure to listen to Zack Beins’ wonderful podcast, TALKIN’ TROMA!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUxMeEKADhO-vHJOnhh2c_w
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/talkin-troma-with-zack-beins/id1561181245
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/09ciGpXGgEhgOqa9V0mfWe

and follow the show on social

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